Media Owner and Publisher
c/o R43 and R44 Kleinmond turn off
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Terms of Use
The contents of the Rivendell™ website were prepared with utmost care by CAV. Nonetheless, CAV cannot assume liability for the timeless accuracy and completeness of the information.
In case this website contains links to external websites these third-party websites are beyond CAV’s control, CAV cannot accept liability for them. Responsibility for the contents of the linked pages is always held by the provider or operator of the pages.
Data Protection
In general, when visiting this website, no personal data are saved. However, these data can be given on a voluntary basis. No data will be passed on to third parties without the consent of the person concerned. CAV points out that in regard to unsecured data transmission in the internet (e.g. via email), security cannot be guaranteed. Such data could possibly be accessed by third parties.
The entire content of this website is copyright protected. Use, reproduction, circulation, etc. or any other way, even the future use of data without the written permission of the recipient host draws civil penalties under the Copyright Act and other specific laws. For all cases of legal collection procedure Cape Town, South Africa is the court of competent jurisdiction.
License Agreement
The Saul Zaentz Company (“SZC”) – the owner of the worldwide stage, screen and merchandising rights for The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit Books by J.R.R. Tolkien – and the companies Cavaletto 26 (Pty) Ltd (“CAV ZA”) & Cavaletto 26 (Pty) GmbH (“CAV AUT”) – the sole operational business companies of Rivendell – signed a License Agreement in 2021 which allows the later one the usage of Rivendell™ for their products:
“RIVENDELL™ is a trademark owned by The Saul Zaentz Company and is used under license”